I love Sunday! It is a day filled with my two favorite boys, centered on family and full of surprises. At 7:30 AM we convened for a morning meeting snuggled up in my bed to determine the course of our day. Once we each had added our two cents we climbed out of bed and prepared for a smoothie war. Bodhi's recipe consisted of strawberry yogurt, frozen strawberries, banana and some water. Owen opted for pineapple juice, blueberries, strawberries and bananas. While I chose bananas, strawberries, greens, spirulina and almond milk. Everyone voted their own smoothie the best...well the boys unanimously agreed mine was the worst and I secretly thought they could be right. Next, we visited our favorite un-church, Mile-Hi and then prepared for worship in my favorite church-church...NATURE. We found a perfect overlook seated on a wooden bridge, above a lake, at a nearby bird preserve and feasted in grand style. When our respit was complete we enjoyed several hours be