Bodhi and I enjoyed a date day together, while Owen and Shane enjoyed a ski day in Breckenridge. It was magical, filled with laughter, art, cooking, sharing and play. Bodhi decided he wanted to be a pirate, bake treasure cookies and "do a project" which involved turning an old box into a "real treasure box". We drew a beard on his smiling face, baked some oatmeal-raisin-chocolate-walnut filled cookies and decorated a box to contain them. Once this was finished we packed a picnic lunch and drove to the park with lots of blankets and warm jackets (the temperature took a swan dive into frigid waters). After lunch I hid the treasure box and a little pirate book beneath a bush and gave Bodhi a clue: "Beneath a bush where you cannot see, There rests a gift for you from me." He hunted with lots of "ARGHS" and "AYE matey's", until he found them. He immediately ran into the midst of the playground trying to gather stray children to