When I first decided to study Montessori it was partially due to a dream I had in which I was standing in a small wooden school/alter at the edge of our farm and on the wall hung a beautiful painting of one of my Italian female ancestors and Maria Montessori. As I looked at the image, Maria stepped out from the painting and held out her hand toward me. She opened her fingers and exposed a beautiful egg. In the dream I felt that she was offering me the egg as a metaphor for the future and a challenge to go forth and evolve early childhood education. I began my first Montessori training program a few months later. Now I am studying the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education while in Italy. I thought many times of her during the days of lecture and I thought of her challenge. Yesterday I found myself standing before this tomb while wondering through an elaborate cemetery in Reggio. In that moment I felt the stre...