Easter is my favorite Holiday; not because of the bunnies (which are cute but not when they are rammed down your proverbial throat) or the Jesus theme (although I am a dedicated fan of the guy, I am not a fan of the subsequent religious insanity aimed devisively and single pointedly, at distorting anything he might have said). No I love Easter because everything in me feels suddenly new again, Persephone rises to rejoin her mother, Horus is born of Isis and his dead father Osiris, Jesus steps from the tomb- all in me. I arise and the promise of blossoms rise to the surface. My eyes fill again with hope. Recently it has become clear to me that there isn't a right way of living my life or a judgement I need to make along the way- This is just life and I can just jump in the stream- get wet or muddy, smell the flowers, eat the fruit and let the sticky sweetness drip down my throat and chest.
It is good to be alive- all the pot holes and burns, all the vistas and wide horizons. I am glad to be here.
Now that's progress.