A funny thing happened to me on my way to school this weekend. I drove, rehearsing the various questions and answers most likely to occur on the exam. Immersed in my own world of worry, test anxiety and perfectionism, I crested the rise above Golden overlooking Boulder.
My breath drew in, my heart leapt into my throat and then spread its wings and flew. With eyes hungrily devouring the horizon, my mind struggled to take in the beauty before me.
Late for school, I drove on for a mile, dropping into the fog bank and emerging into a secret faerie world. The little girl tucked safely within the grown woman, begged for a chance to play. I glanced at the clock, I just didn't have TIME to stop and smell the proverbial roses, I needed to arrive at school on time. I had exams- EXAMS I cried out. Suddenly it occurred to me that exams and school and straight A's mattered little in comparison to this moment of sheer magic. I pulled over and chatted with a few cows.
Feeling better, I turned around and chased the edge of the fog bank. I felt alive. I felt life, nay I was life. For a fleeting moment, the boundary of Angelina blurred and I was fog bank on valley, a child nursing at his mothers breast, a man crouched hungry beneath a bridge trying to stay warm, a robber, a saint, a harlot, a wife, an antelope, a stream- and I smiled. The smile spread across the hillsides, sun kissing cloud, sky embracing earth- without judgement or critique-whole. In that moment I was everything. I was enough.
I arrived late for the exams.
I got a perfect score.
It didn't begin to touch that moment.

My breath drew in, my heart leapt into my throat and then spread its wings and flew. With eyes hungrily devouring the horizon, my mind struggled to take in the beauty before me.

I arrived late for the exams.
I got a perfect score.
It didn't begin to touch that moment.

give me more....