What does the LION say? ROOOOAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paloma wandered through the zoo, reading each sign and reciting more zoological facts than I thought possible. I LOVED it! A girl after my own heart.

Estrella beamed, played and cajoled her way through the day, occasionally chasing after the wild child Bodhi, who was threatening to escape at every turn.

Bodhi is positively wild. I swear, I used to look at parents who used those kid leashes with absolute disgust and revulsion. I am beginning to change my tune. Bodhi runs hellmell into throngs of people, out doors, over bridges, toward roads- without any apparent concern for the consequences. Either he trusts me implicitly or he gives new meaning to the phrase, "throwing caution to the wind".

These little penguins are too adorable for words. I always feel a pull of sadness to see wild things caged or penned, but these little creatures seem to be making the best of it.