Back at work.
I have mixed feelings:
Sorrow, excitement, overload, frustration, guilt, longing, anticipation.
It is an interesting conundrum, this thing called life. I am always uncertain of the path ahead. I keep placing one foot in front of the other, keeping a level eye out for adventure and trying (often failing) to soften the sharp edge of my mind and just enjoy the journey.
I suppose I really am a gypsy at heart, never enjoying the feeling of tethered talons, whether to earth, to job, or to tomorrow. And yet, here I am, 34 years old with two beautiful boys, a wonderful man that drives me batty but also fills me with love and contentment. With a job and a wonderful home in a place that I love.
It is odd, how I pull against the line at my heels and ache for flight...not to escape from those I love (I could no sooner leave my boys and Shane than take a flying leap from a tall building), but rather to take leave of the predictable, the expected, the assured. That is, and always has been, my conundrum.
In the meantime, I go to work...