A sore throat.
I went to the Doctor today. I had to get my annual check up for work and I actually have been quite sick with a sore throat, so the timing was perfect. I went in. I spent about 10 minutes with my Doctor. Who couldn't diagnose my throat because it wasn't strep, but looked bad. I got my blood pressure checked...fine. I got my breast exam... fine. I was weighed...none of your business. I was then sent to an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist upstairs. I spent a total of 5 minutes with him. "Yep, you've got an infection in there. Gonna need a heavy dose of antibiotics and should probably get those out when you get insurance". All of these things I knew upon going in. ALL OF THEM. Yet I left with my bank account 500$ lighter, 500$. I keep writing it. I can't believe it (No I don't have insurance). It seems an excessive price to pay for common sense and a prescription.
Where is the Doc of old, who comes to my house, who knows me, who may have delivered me into this world, who knows my family and actually may even CARE about me. Those days are gone. We have made all these advances in medicine but we have given up so much more. It is a sad thing indeed.