I roll out of bed like a thief, stealing moments of solitude like jewels in a well kept museum, ever vigilant not to set off the resounding "MOM!" alarm. With stealthy silence I creep down the hall, aware of the magnified sound of footfall on tile. I sit shivering in the back room. I would love a cup of tea... no too risky. Oh what about one of my inspirational reads? I weigh the dangers and decide on simply sitting here in the back room watching the slowly coloring horizon and cupping my few precious moments of stillness in my hands for warmth.
It is a matter of time really, maybe even minutes.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick...
And I am found out. My youngest stares at me with accusing eyes, hair modeled after Einsteins late period, arms extended, reaching..
"Hold me!"
I drop the solitude from cupped hands and fill them instead with the warmth of his body.
The thief no more.