Well the first thing occupying our time and energy is Maia,
our puppy. She is an absolute sweetheart and a total pain in the arse.
We have all spent an inordinate amount of time and energy scooping pet excrement. To which Owen can often be overheard saying, "Lay off the chow Maia", when he is not dry heaving.
When not playing and rolicking in the back yard, dry heaving and hollering at the dog, Owen can be found curled up in his favorite spot on pop.
Shane enjoys it in equal measure, although trying to squeeze in a few pages of Larry McMurtry's book is never an easy task.
Bodhi has been playing with typical abandon:running, sliding and enjoying the forty degree weather we've been having.
And me, I've been pursuing health with a vengeance. Here you see a delicious lunch I made:
Steamed kale, topped with cucumbers, red peppers and both sundried and fresh tomatoes. It was delicious.
Until next time... when I might actually WRITE something of merit.
Much love and blessings,

Steamed kale, topped with cucumbers, red peppers and both sundried and fresh tomatoes. It was delicious.

Much love and blessings,
raphael's been answering emails and the door.
i've been lying in bed, sick.
i eat vegetable soup every few hours and a cup of herbal tea to follow. every now and then i muster up the energy to open up the computer and temporarily entertain myself until i fall, exhausted, back on to my pillow.
ahh. to life!
love you sister. hugely. muchly. like two big walloping heart throbs.