Owen and I have a standing date, each Sunday night, a mama-son evening, usually spent reading, drawing and/or sipping tea. Last night we nestled in bed and turned scribbles into art.
Next, we turned our collaborative attention to poetry. I wrote the first line, Owen the second, I the third and so on, until we were finished. As a grand finale, we gave a dramatic reading to Shane in the backroom, who kindly paused the football games to attend our performance.
Here are the poems (when reading please imagine Owen, standing on the coffee table dramatically interpreting the poems, while mother reads):
Light on winter window,
A bird mutated,
In glass, reflected.
The mutant cried,
caw, caw.
The mutant cried,
moo, baa, neigh.
Confused the bird sought sun.
"Well Duh!", said the moon
And the light went out.
"Sleep", howled the wind.
Yelled the child, hiding tired eyes.
"BOW-WOW", cried the cat,
Between gulps of tuna chow.
Then the bed came to life,
Ate the child and swallowed the cat,
Burped and swallowed the wind.
And the night was still.

Here are the poems (when reading please imagine Owen, standing on the coffee table dramatically interpreting the poems, while mother reads):
Light on winter window,
A bird mutated,
In glass, reflected.
The mutant cried,
caw, caw.
The mutant cried,
moo, baa, neigh.
Confused the bird sought sun.
"Well Duh!", said the moon
And the light went out.
"Sleep", howled the wind.
Yelled the child, hiding tired eyes.
"BOW-WOW", cried the cat,
Between gulps of tuna chow.
Then the bed came to life,
Ate the child and swallowed the cat,
Burped and swallowed the wind.
And the night was still.
I wish I had a mom like you :-)
and btw: while I am normally irritated at music on blogs - well, not today. Thanks for having Alexi Murdoch on the playlist. I wasn't aware of him and it's quite a lovely find.