Okay, I know Bodhi is three now and it is time to let go of the binkie (aka mana) even if he uses it just for sleeping, but that doesn't make it any easier. We decided that the best thing to do was to deliver the two remaining mana's to the fairies. We found a special box and Bodhi placed his comforting old friends inside along with a few special notes to the fairies.
We went for a hike in the red rock area. Bodhi found a special spot tucked away in a crevice and protected from the wind. He placed his special box there and we said a few blessings.
We enjoyed a light picnic and climbed around for a while.
When we left Bodhi said good bye again with a spontaneous Namaste.
He slept 3 hours last night, crying in my arms.
Sometimes the process of growing can be painful.