Someone has taken Zeus' mighty lightening bolt and anyone who has a mythology loving, Percy Jackson reading, ten-year-old worth his salt knows what that means! Someone has to get it back!
Step one: Make shields.
Step 2 Read all your clues!
This was the fun part for mama. I wrote several disasterously rhyming clues peppered with greek mythology and each requiring wit and teamwork to solve, then rolled them into scrolls and hid them strategically throughout the oddysey, with each clue leading to the next challenge.
Including riddles to decipher, archery and scavenger hunts:
In the end they discovered a cache of swords,
Once that was complete and Zeus's thunderbold recovered...
A friendly battle ensued,
Followed by supper back at the camp.
Overall, it was a wonderful birthday party and a happy tenth birthday!
PS: Check out those cool T-shirts Shane made for the special day.
I missed it.. ;(