My dear sister-sister-friend has a favorite question, "What's for dinner?". It means more than simply what are you eating? It means, "How are you nourishing yourself?", code for "How are you?".
Tonight the answer was: (insert drum roll) cabbage rolls and celery soup. I used two recipes inspired by the amazing Ms. Mojo (aka family chef extraordinaire). For all of you with cabbage growing in the garden, just aching to be prepped, here are the recipes:
Bodhi and I picked several large cabbage leaves from our garden and blanched them in salt water until pliable.
We stuffed them with a quinoa mixture of carrots, celery, onions, garlic, a little grated parmesan, fresh basil, s/p and broth.

Next, we rolled them up. Drizzled some homemade tomato sauce (sauté garlic in some olive oil, add 4 large, ripe, de-skinned- crushed tomatoes, a half a cup of fresh basil, some s/p and broth) on the bottom of a casserole dish, arranged our cabbage rolls, drizzled with some more sauce and sprinkled with fresh grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (aka parmesan...I just wanted to make my Grande' proud). Bake at 350 till warmed through. Serve with Celery Soup.

For all you nay sayers, this is actually quite good. Celery soup: Sweat 3 onions and a head of celery (chopped) in enough water to slightly cover. Add broth, fresh oregano and s/p. Cook till warm. Transfer to a blender and puree. Serve. It is DE-licious! Really!
There you have it--That's what we had for dinner. What are you having?