I can't really express the delight I feel when I spot these treasures in nature. Whenever I try, I babble insensibly. Without the grace of a poet, I stumble amidst the impossibility of words. Syllables loll around in my mouth, dry and unworthy- profane. Such awe is indescribable and the only word nearing its evocation is gratitude. I gasp. I ooooooh and aaaaaah. I stand with the reverence of a devotee, astounded and for a moment, brief thought it may be, the seer and seen merge and life simply is. Then I snap a picture. It really doesn't last long...sometimes only a fraction of a second, but I return again and again like a lover hungry and eager for more.
Here is a taste:

Note: All photos taken on a hike at Meyers Ranch...if you live nearby...GO...it is a lovely four mile trek off S. Turkey Creek Road.