This was the kind of day that memory blesses with golden hued longing and sweet autumnal perfection.
It all began with a day trip to Mount Falcon, with plans for a prolonged picnic and layabout session.
We ate:
We read...
Well some of us read while other's among our party wreaked havoc...

Some of us dozed (me) and all of us stared with wide wonder at the beauty around us.
It all began with a day trip to Mount Falcon, with plans for a prolonged picnic and layabout session.
We ate:
We read...
Well some of us read while other's among our party wreaked havoc...

Some of us dozed (me) and all of us stared with wide wonder at the beauty around us.
After the havoc reached a deafening crescendo, Bodhi decided to bring out the fairies and not for some peaceful, Waldorfian exploration. Rather, he set up a rather aggressive version of the three little pigs and cast himself as the big bad WOLF!
"Then, I'll HUFF and I'll PUFF and I'll BLOW your house down."
When we reluctantly decided to go home, we hiked out looking like a gaggle of sun-dazed hillbillies.