I find that gratitudes are cairns of a different sort, they remind us to focus on the seeds of good already present in our life and through our attention the seeds grow. And so for today, along the trail of life, I will build a gratitude cairn. I am thankful for:
- Bodhi for all he is and his vibrant approach to life. Last night when I told the boys that I had read a great little quote about the meaning of life, Bodhi looked at me like I was thoroughly daft, and said, "The meaning of life is Living".
- Owen for all he is and his depth of vision. A few days ago Owen texted me, "You're an incredible mother. You love too much. It surely can't be good for you. But still, you somehow continue to manage and that is what I believe your purpose is, to love unconditionally. And you are one of the few people capable of that kind of love. But dont' forget you are loved and that you deserve to be loved. I love you immensely and take this opportunity to thank you for all of your love."
- I am grateful, beyond words or sentiments, for the incredible gift of being a mother and knowing Owen and Bodhi.
- For a warm home full of beautiful simplicity and quiet reminders to breathe, to rest and to live.
- For my body that keeps on surprising me with what it is capable of and inspiring me with its strength, tenacity and usefulness.
- For my mind that carried me through grad school while working, mothering, recovering from brain trauma and more.
- For creativity that always manages to inspire me in the darkest hours.
- For nature in all her beautiful forms, help me to see your beauty in the coldest, shivering hours as easily as I do in the warmer months surrounded by flowers.
- For this moment, exactly as it is.
- For the past, complete with all its horrors, bumps, bruises, successes and celebrations… thank you.
- For my cooking, damn I'm a good cook! and for the food that fills me kitchen like a palette of gustatory possibilities.
- For my amazing coworkers who constantly inspire and support eachother. Thank you.
- For my family and history, although I no longer choose to live that story, I love each of you and am grateful for it.
- For hot tea!
- For my gym.
- For music.
- For weekends.
Thank you.